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Psychedelic Breathwork

your breath is the medicine

A direct experience of healing, liberation and expansion

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What is Psychedelic Breathwork?

Psychedelic Breathwork is an active and experiential form of psychotherapy through which you can experience expansive and higher states of consciousness,  which are a direct portal to the subconscious mind, and other dimensions and realms beyond your perception.
All WITHOUT the use of any substances.

Your breath is the medicine!

During this deep journey of self-exploration and expansion, your self-healing intelligence is activated, opening the way to conscious decisions and creative ideas; and allowing traumatic memories, repressed emotions and energies trapped in your mental, emotional and physical bodies, to emerge so that they can be released, healed and transcended!

 Psychedelic Breathwork is also a powerful catalyst towards higher states of consciousness, mystical and spiritual experiences that propel us to deepen our process of spiritual awakening and expansion.

This rapid rhythmic breathing reduces cortisol (stress hormone) and increases dopamine (motivation and action hormone) yielding results comparable to those obtained through therapies with psychedelic medicine and sacred plants, and has a profound healing potential for the body and the mind/psyche.

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Benefits of
Psychedelic Breathwork

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How does it work?

It's simple! all you have to do is lie down, cover your eyes and start breathing rhythmically and quickly, while you melt into the evocative and cross-cultural musical sounds, which will take you on a deep journey of self-exploration and transformation.

Image by Shubham Dhage

What could happens during this experience?

​Access non-ordinary states of consciousness​


Enter your subconscious mind (unconscious information)


Access transpersonal dimensions of the psyche/soul


Relive and heal traumas from childhood, birth, ancestral and karmic memories


Emotional and energetic catharsis


Diminishing of egoic identification and/or ego death 


Experience a deep state of physical and emotional relaxation


Elevate your frequency


Find the answer or receive the message you need


Acceptance and understanding


Oneness, cosmic, mystical and experiences with Divinity.


Spiritual and consciousness expansion.

Next Session of
Psychedelic Breathwork

Friday,  April 28th, 2023

6:30 pm- 9:00pm

7480 Narcoossee Rd, Suite 100C

Orlando, FL 32822

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We are Jenny and Sandra

Transpersonal Mentors, Psychedelic Breathwork Facilitators, and companions and students of A Course in Miracles. 

Our call and inspiration is to share from our own experience, the tools that have been activators of our paths of expansion and spiritual and consciousness awakening.


Sandra Montano

Breathwork Facilitator

Mentor Transpersonal


Jenny Delgado

Breathwork Facilitator

Mentor Transpersonal


"It was a literally a magical encounter, where you affirm that coincidences do not exist! how beautiful it is to feel that we are one and that when our hearts recognize it, we all simply  beat in the same purpose, infinite and unconditional love!! Thank you for this experience and waiting for many more to come!

Grow Your Vision

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